#Social Networks #Twitter #Politics

Twitter y Política: Información, Opinión y ¿Predicción?

Authors: M. Luz Congosto, Montse Fernández y Esteban Moro Journal: Cuadernos de Comunicación Evoca 4 (2011). LINK Abstract: Estamos a las puertas de una nueva manera de medir la opinión política: mediante la conversación en Red, que permite no sólo conocer el feedback de los ciudadanos a la política, sino también la imagen de los políticos que se refleja en la Red, la dinámica de opinión en comunidades o grupos y el efecto de los diferentes medios de comunicación en dicha conversación. ...

#Social Networks #Viral #Marketing

Affinity Paths and information diffusion in social networks

Authors: José Luis Iribarren and Esteban Moro Journal: Social Networks 33, 134-142 (2011). LINK | arXiv Abstract: Widespread interest in the diffusion of information through social networks has produced a large number of Social Dynamics models. A majority of them use theoretical hypothesis to explain their diffusion mechanisms while the few empirically based ones average out their measures over many messages of different contents. Our empirical research tracking the step-by-step email propagation of an invariable viral marketing message delves into the content impact and has discovered new and striking features. ...

#Social Networks #Mobile Phone Data #Diffusion #Human behavior

Dynamical strength of social ties in information spreading

Authors: Giovanna Miritello, Esteban Moro y Rubén Lara Journal: Physical Review E (Rapid Comm) 83, 045102 (2011). LINK | arXiv Abstract: We investigate the temporal patterns of human communication and its influence on the spreading of information in social networks. The analysis of mobile phone calls of 20 million people in one country shows that human communication is bursty and happens in group conversations. These features have opposite effects in information reach: while bursts hinder propagation at large scales, conversations favor local rapid cascades. ...

#Agents #Stock Market #Market Impact #Finance

Market impact and trading profile of large trading orders in stock markets

Authors: Esteban Moro, Javier Vicente, Luis G. Moyano, Austin Gerig, J. Doyne Farmer, Gabriella Vaglica, Fabrizio Lillo and Rosario N. Mantegna Journal: Phys. Rev. E 80, 066102 (2009) LINK | arXiv Abstract: We empirically study the market impact of trading orders. We are specifically interested in large trading orders that are executed incrementally, which we call hidden orders. These are reconstructed based on information about market member codes using data from the Spanish Stock Market and the London Stock Exchange. ...

#Humans #Marketing #Social Networks #Viral

Impact of Human Activity Patterns on the Dynamics of Information Diffusion

Authors: J. L. Iribarren and E. Moro Journal: Physical Review Letters 103, 038702 (2009) LINK arXiv Abstract: We study the impact of human activity patterns on information diffusion. To this end we ran a viral email experiment involving 31183 individuals in which we were able to track a specific piece of information through the social network. We found that, contrary to traditional models, information travels at an unexpectedly slow pace. By using a branching model which accurately describes the experiment, we show that the large heterogeneity found in the response time is responsible for the slow dynamics of information at the collective level. ...

#Agents #Complexity #Simulation #Stock Market #Strategy

Specialization of strategies and herding behavior of trading firms in a financial market

Authors: Fabrizio Lillo, Esteban Moro, Gabriella Vaglica y Rosario Mantegna Journal: New Journal of Physics 10 (2008) 043019 LINK arXiv Abstract: Agent-based models of financial markets usually make assumptions about agent’s preferred stylized strategies. Empirical validations of these assumptions have not been performed so far on a full-market scale. Here we present a comprehensive study of the resulting strategies followed by the firms which are members of the Spanish Stock Exchange. ...