#2023 #covid19 #Mobile phone data #Mobility #inequality

Behavioral changes during the COVID-19 pandemic decreased income diversity of urban encounters

Authors: Takahiro Yabe, Bernardo García Bulle Bueno, Xiaowen Dong, Alex Pentland & Esteban Moro Publication: Nature Communications volume 14, Article number: 2310 (2023) LINK Abstract: Diversity of physical encounters in urban environments is known to spur economic productivity while also fostering social capital. However, mobility restrictions during the pandemic have forced people to reduce urban encounters, raising questions about the social implications of behavioral changes. In this paper, we study how individual income diversity of urban encounters changed during the pandemic, using a large-scale, privacy-enhanced mobility dataset of more than one million anonymized mobile phone users in Boston, Dallas, Los Angeles, and Seattle, across three years spanning before and during the pandemic. ...

#segregation #Urban Science #Mobile phone data #crime

Diversity beyond density: Experienced social mixing of urban streets

Authors: Zhuangyuan Fan, Tianyu Su, Maoran Sun, Ariel Noyman, Fan Zhang, Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland, Esteban Moro Publication: PNAS Nexus, Volumen 2, Issue 4, pgad077, 2023 LINK Abstract: Urban density, in the form of residents’ and visitors’ concentration, is long considered to foster diverse exchanges of interpersonal knowledge and skills, which are intrinsic to sustainable human settlements. However, with current urban studies primarily devoted to city- and district-level analyses, we cannot unveil the elemental connection between urban density and diversity. ...

#Mobile phone data #Segregation #food #machine learning

A city is not a static tree: understanding urban areas through the lens of real-time behavioral data

Authors:Esteban Moro Publication: ZARCH, 19, 28–39. 2023 LINK Abstract: Cities are the main ground on which our society and culture develop today and will evolve in the future. Against the traditional understanding of cities as physical spaces mostly around our neighborhoods, recent use of large-scale mobility datasets has enabled the study of our behavior at unprecedented spatial and temporal scales, much beyond our static residential spaces. Here we show how it is possible to use these datasets to investigate the role that human behavior plays in traditional urban problems like segregation, public health, or epidemics. ...

#Mobile phone data #Urban Science

Rhythm of the streets: a street classification framework based on street activity patterns

Authors: Tianyu Su , Maoran Sun, Zhuangyuan Fan, Ariel Noyman, Alex Pentland, and Esteban Moro Publication: EPJ Data Science 11, 43 (2022). Link Abstract: As the living tissue connecting urban places, streets play significant roles in driving city development, providing essential access, and promoting human interactions. Understanding street activities and how these activities vary across different streets is critical for designing both efficient and livable streets. However, current street classification frameworks primarily focus on either streets’ functions in transportation networks or their adjacent land uses rather than actual activity patterns, resulting in coarse classifications. ...

#covid19 #Mobile phone data #epidemics

Quantifying the importance and location of SARS-CoV-2 transmission events in large metropolitan areas

Authors: Alberto Aleta, David Martín-Corral, Michiel A.Bakker, Ana Pastore y Piontti, Marco Ajelli, Maria Litvinova , Matteo Chinazzi, Natalie E. Dean, M. Elizabeth Halloran,Ira M. Longini,Jr, Alex Pentland, Alessandro Vespignani, Yamir Moreno, and Esteban Moro. Publication: PNAS (2022). Link Abstract: Detailed characterization of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) transmission across different settings can help design less disruptive interventions. We used real-time, privacy-enhanced mobility data in the New York City, NY and Seattle, WA metropolitan areas to build a detailed agent-based model of SARS-CoV-2infection to estimate the where, when, and magnitude of transmission events during thepandemic’s first wave. ...

#Mobile Phone Data #Privacy #Deep Learning

Generating synthetic mobility data for a realistic population with RNNs to improve utility and privacy

Authors: Alex Berke, Ronan Doorley, Kent Larson, Esteban Moro Publication: arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.01139 (2022). Link Abstract: Location data collected from mobile devices represent mobility behaviors at individual and societal levels. These data have important applications ranging from transportation planning to epidemic modeling. However, issues must be overcome to best serve these use cases: The data often represent a limited sample of the population and use of the data jeopardizes privacy. ...