/ #Netmob #Mobile phone data 

Netmob 2015

I had the pleasure to organize last edition of Netmob at MIT Media Lab (together with Sandy Pentland, Vincent Blondel and Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye). Netmob is the primary conference in the analysis of those datasets in social, urban, societal and industrial problems. Netmob 2015 also hosted the final part of the D4D Challenge by Orange. They were 3 amazing days of applications and analysis of mobile phone datasets, preceded by one-day school and 3 days Hackathon. More than 60 talks and 40 posters were presented. Around 250 participants from 140 institutions, 32 countries (5 continents!) participated, showing the international and wide interest in Netmob.

Here is some information about the event:

And some pictures

Conference chairs: Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye, Esteban Moro, Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland and Vincent BlondelConference chairs: Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye, Esteban Moro, Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland and Vincent Blondel

Map of the different countries of the Netmob 2015 participantsMap of the different countries of the Netmob 2015 participants

Giving the farewell speech at Netmob 2015 Giving the farewell speech at Netmob 2015

Media coverage:

  • Por tu móvil te conocerán [Elbuzón.es]
  • El móvil permitirá estudiar el comportamiento humano a un nivel espacial, temporal y social “sin precedentes” [LaInformación.com]
  • Analysis of mobile phone data applied to economic and social problems [Phys.org]

Esteban Moro

Professor at Northeastern University. Working on Complex Systems, Social Networks and Urban Science.