Hybrid method for simulating front propagation in reaction-diffusion systems
Authors: Esteban Moro
Journal: Physical Review E, Rapid Communication 69, 060101 (2004).
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We study the propagation of pulled fronts in the \(A\leftrightarrow A+A\)
microscopic reaction-diffusion process using Monte Carlo simulations. In the mean field approximation the process is described by the deterministic Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piscounov equation. In particular, we concentrate on the corrections to the deterministic behavior due to the number of particles per correlated volume \(\Omega\)
. By means of a hybrid simulation scheme, we manage to reach large macroscopic values of \(\Omega\)
, which allows us to show the importance in the dynamics of microscopic pulled fronts of the interplay of microscopic fluctuations and their macroscopic relaxation.