#Deep Learning #Networks

How to Organize your Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents: The Importance of Communication Topology

Authors: Dhaval Adjodah, Dan Calacci, Abhimanyu Dubey, Peter Krafft, Esteban Moro, Alex `Sandy' Pentland Journal: Preprint (2018). arXiv Abstract: In this empirical paper, we investigate how learning agents can be arranged in more efficient communication topologies for improved learning. This is an important problem because a common technique to improve speed and robustness of learning in deep reinforcement learning and many other machine learning algorithms is to run multiple learning agents in parallel. ...

#Twitter #R #Social Networks

Growing old in Twitter

I started using Twitter more than 10 years ago (!). I open an account in this social network in 2008 and although I was not using it too much for the first year, I become a frequent user after that. It has helped me to get news, information both for my personal and professional interests. But not only that, Twitter has been also the data source for our research, that helped us to investigate the relationship between human behavior in the social platform and paramount problems in our society as information propagation, unemployment, disaster damage, political opinion. ...

#Filter Bubble #Politics

La burbuja política o cómo las redes multiplican la colisión entre quienes piensan distinto

Article in the spanish newspaper La Vanguardia about how social media is increasing polarization and radicalization in political opinion. With a quote to my opinion on this. La burbuja política o cómo las redes multiplican la colisión entre quienes piensan distinto Para Esteban Moro, investigador del Instituto de Tecnología de Massachusetts (MIT) y de la Universidad Carlos III, este trabajo “confirma lo que ya sabíamos acerca del efecto de partidismo o cámaras de eco. ...

#Cryptocurrency #Collective Learning #Bitcoin

ScamCoins, S*** Posters, and the Search for the Next Bitcoin(TM): Collective Sensemaking in Cryptocurrency Discussions

Authors: Eaman Jahani, Peter M. Krafft, Yoshihiko Suhara, Esteban Moro, Alex “Sandy” Pentland Journal: Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 2, CSCW, Article 79 (November 2018), 28 pages. LINK Abstract: Participants in cryptocurrency markets are in constant communication with each other about the latest coins and news releases. Do these conversations build hype through the contagiousness of excitement, help the community process information, or play some other role? Using a novel dataset from a major cryptocurrency forum, we conduct an exploratory study of the characteristics of online discussion around cryptocurrencies. ...

#Big Data #Data Science #Gender Gap #Social Media

Analyzing gender inequality through large-scale Facebook advertising data

Authors: David Garcia, Yonas Mitike Kassa, Angel Cuevas, Manuel Cebrian, Esteban Moro, Iyad Rahwan, and Ruben Cuevas Journal: PNAS June 19, 2018. 201717781. LINK Abstract: Online social media are information resources that can have a transformative power in society. While the Web was envisioned as an equalizing force that allows everyone to access information, the digital divide prevents large amounts of people from being present online. Online social media, in particular, are prone to gen- der inequality, an important issue given the link between social media use and employment. ...