#Artificial Intelligence #Labour Markets

Towards understanding the impact of artificial intelligence on labor

title: ‘How to Organize your Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents: The Importance of Communication Topology’ author: Esteban Moro date: ‘2018-12-14’ categories: Publications tags: Deep Learning Networks image: /img/posts/NetES.jpg Authors: Frank, Morgan R and Autor, David and Bessen, James E and Brynjolfsson, Erik and Cebrian, Manuel and Deming, David J and Feldman, Maryann and Groh, Matthew and Lobo, José and Moro, Esteban and Wang, Dashun and Youn, Hyejin and Rahwan, Iyad ...

#Segregation #visualization #Urban Science #inequality

The Atlas of Inequality

Segregation is hurting our societies and specially our cities. But economic inequality isn’t just limited to neighborhoods. The restaurants, stores, and other places we visit in cities are all unequal in their own way. The Atlas of Inequality shows the income inequality of people who visit different places in the Boston metro area. It uses aggregated anonymous location data from digital devices to estimate people’s incomes and where they spend their time. ...

#blog #R #hugo #blogdown

Setting up our blog with RStudio and blogdown I: Creating the blog

Last month I migrated my blog from Wordpress to Hugo and blogdown. Now I can post from RStudio using R/markdown, which allow me to create interactive posts including R code. It has been such a good experience that I decide to write down how to do it with three posts to help others. This one about to setup the blog. Part II explains my workflow of creating new posts. and Part III on how to modify the theme. ...