
2016 pictures

Some pictures of different activities during this year 2016 I was invited to give a tutorial about temporal networs at the Workshop on Complex Network Mining and Analysis in Workclaw. Here we are hanging out with some of the other speakers (Bruno Goncalves and Marton Karsai) Just arrived to Boston, I gave a talk at Netsi about our work on Temporal Networks at Netsci, Northeastern University. Working at the Medialab I got the opportunity to talk about our work in other groups, like Scalable Cooperation here. ...

#Social Media #Disaster #Twitter

Rapid assessment of disaster damage using social media activity

Authors: Yury Kryvasheyeu1, Haohui Chen, Nick Obradovich, Esteban Moro, Pascal Van Hentenryck, James Fowler and Manuel Cebrian Journal: Science Advances 11 Mar 2016: Vol. 2, no. 3, e1500779 (2016) LINK Abstract: Could social media data aid in disaster response and damage assessment? Countries face both an increasing frequency and an increasing intensity of natural disasters resulting from climate change. During such events, citizens turn to social media platforms for disaster-related communication and information. ...

#Fluid #Stochastic #Simulation

Fully nonlinear dynamics of stochastic thin-film dewetting

Authors: S. Nesic, R. Cuerno, E. Moro, and L. Kondic Journal: Physical Review E 92, 061002(R) LINK | PDF Abstract: The spontaneous formation of droplets via dewetting of a thin fluid film from a solid substrate allows materials nanostructuring. Often, it is crucial to be able to control the evolution, and to produce patterns characterized by regularly spaced droplets. While thermal fluctuations are expected to play a role in the dewetting process, their relevance has remained poorly understood, particularly during the nonlinear stages of evolution that involve droplet formation. ...

#complexity #social networks

Searching for someone

From the “Small World Experiment” to the “Red Balloon Challenge,” and beyond We live in a small world, right? But the cost and fragility of navigating it could harm any potential strategy to leverage the power of social networks. Read this fascinating story of the research, experiments, and failures in the quest for using social networks to search information/people: [Excerpt of the article] Our ability to search social networks for people and information is fundamental to our success. ...