La ciencia de la caballería andante

Happy World Book Day

La Caballería andante (...) es una ciencia, dijo Don Quijote (...) que encierra en sí todas o las más ciencias del mundo (...) el que la profesa ha de ser jurisperito, y saber las leyes de la justicia distributiva y conmutativa (...) ha de ser teólogo, para saber dar razón de la cristiana ley que profesa (...); ha de ser médico, principalmente herbolario, parara conocer (...) las yerbas que tienen virtud de sanar las heridas (...); ha de ser astrólogo, para conocer por las estrellas cuántas horas son pasadas la noche (...); **ha de saber las matemáticas, porque a cada paso se le ofrecerá tener necesidad de ellas (...).**

Knight-errantry (…) is a science, said Don Quixote (…) that comprehends in itself all or most of the sciences of the world, for he who professes it must be a jurist, and must know the rules of justice, distributive and equitable (…) he must be a theologian, so as to be able to give a clear and distinctive reason for the Christian faith he professes (…); must be a physician, and above all a herbalist, so as (…) to know the herbs that have the property of healing wounds (…); he must be an astronomer, so as to know by the stars how many hours of the night have passed (…) ** He must know mathematics for at every turn some occasion for them will present itself to him (…) **

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de La Mancha Second part, Chapter XVIII, Madrid 1615



Professor at Northeastern University. Working on Complex Systems, Social Networks and Urban Science.